cloud repatriation examples

Angelo Vertti, 18 de setembro de 2022

In 2023, end-user spending is expected to reach nearly $600 billion. That leaves 37 percent going elsewhere, which IDC deduces will be hosted private clouds, a fraction it expects will increase to 47 percent in 2019. Cloud providers are not all the same, and picking the wrong one, for any reason, can be an expensive and disruptive mistake. Recent topic of conversation at a local CIO roundtable was around "cloud repatriation" - where a business moves some portion of their workload back on-premise, abandons a cloud migration, etc. "Unclouding" or "cloud repatriation" is the process of reverse-migrating application workloads and data from the public cloud to a private cloud located within an on-premise data center or to a colocation provider. . - are disillusioned with the cloud and as a result are " repatriating " workloads back to their safe, comfy and cost . Public cloud services revenue in India 2015-2020, by segment; Around one-fifth (21%) admitted that they selected the wrong public cloud provider. Examples An instance can be a SaaS application previously hosted in a traditional Public Cloud that gets migrated into an Edge computing ecosystem. Dropbox is a prominent example of an early cloud repatriation. It's only the organization's inability to deploy and manage workloads securely that makes it so. For example, you could lose or gain agility, better or worst cost predictability and control, service level and performance attainability, talent availability. Redundancy is another argument people use to justify multi/hybrid cloud. Take the example shown below. - and cloud-averse industries/verticals that have never found a path to hosted, subscription-based platforms. The company started in the cloud using Amazon Web Services and shifted to its own data centers in 2015, relocating nearly 600 petabytes of its customer data to its own network of data centers. Cloud Repatriation Is Real. Yes, the one and ONLY example is #Dropbox who took back their workload from AWS to their data center and made a saving of up to $74.6 million in operating costs according to their financial reports. Why are Companies Shifting Workloads Back to On-Premise Resources? Cloud repatriation may be a first step toward retiring the application. Why Dropbox is a terrible example for building the cloud repatriation case Dropbox is the poster child for cloud repatriation, in no small part because there are so few companies actually repatriating workloads. The marketing narrative most typically implies that customers have moved work to the public cloud and, for a variety of reasons - expense, performance, security - are disillusioned with the cloud. Public cloud repatriation itself is a somewhat taboo topic in certain circles. For example, they can choose the best-performing CPU for certain tasks . Finally, some workloads might not make sense in the public cloud because of regulatory or economic reasons. Hyperconverged infrastructure is one development that has nudged enterprises in this direction. All in all, the example from Walmart is instructive for investors because it provides a concrete example of a major enterprise's cloud journey and where they expect to gain . A recent IDC survey showed a significant amount of organizations - more than half - are pulling some workloads back out of the cloud to on-premises. Consider the controversy raised by Andreessen Horowitz when it published "The Cost of Cloud, a Trillion Dollar Paradox" and suggested companies were repatriating from the cloud and realizing significant cost savings as a result. Sure, maybe IT . Once you store massive amounts of data in the cloud, moving that data back on prem or to another cloud vendor becomes a significant undertaking. That association has full control to design and deal with their assets with no limitations that a multi-tenant arrangement would have. 4. Define the Scenarios a) Features of a Cloud Exit Strategy Scenarios b) Some Common Reasons for Building a Cloud Exit Strategy c) Cloud Exit Feasibility Challenges for PaaS & IaaS - Application Nonportability 2. The marketing narrative most typically implies that customers have moved work to the public cloud and, for a variety of reasons - expense, performance, security, etc. According to Gartner, "Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 20.4% in 2022 to total $494.7 billion, up from $410.9 billion in 2021. cost, and security concerns as their main reasons for leaving. Culture is also a strong determinant of repatriation according to IDC. In fact, IDC research reveals that 80% of companies plan to repatriate at least some of their workloads currently hosted in the public cloud. Put simply, cloud repatriation is the process of moving applications or data that currently run in the public cloud to an infrastructure other than the public cloud. What are Examples of Cloud Providers? Architectural rigour is as important for cloud deployments as it is for on-prem. The about-face concerning computing rented over the internet has acquired its own catchphrase: Cloud repatriation. For example, if for some reason, AWS stops working entirely tomorrow, part of your infrastructure will still function inside your own datacenter or in Azure/GCP. [1] But what does this mean for organizations and how should you approach your data architecture? Cloud repatriation. An estimated $100B of market value is being lost across 50 of the top public software companies due to the clouds impact on margins. I've seen several social media posts recently advocating Cloud repatriation, generally based on cost and usually accompanied by an example of a failed attempt to move infrastructure to the Cloud. This diagram highlights . Some organizations use multiple private clouds to deliver services, while others use multiple public clouds from different vendors - these are both examples of multi-cloud architectures. 2 examples of unforeseen cloud migration woes The poster child for cloud repatriation (followed IMMEDIATELY by "please, whatever you do, do NOT ask us for a second example because we're fresh out") is Dropbox. Poorly planned cloud migrations Sometimes, organisations repatriate data simply. You're Noticing IT-Based Siloes and Risks Modern Clouds - by this I mean Private Clouds, Public Clouds, Hybrid Clouds, whatever you want to call it - can handle "bare metal" as well. Singapore's DBS Bank, for example, operates a private cloud while making use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host its public web assets. But what if you didn't need to choose when considering cloud repatriation? What if you could bring together the best aspects of both? In its S-1, Dropbox claimed a $75 million savings in cloud spend by moving some workloads to its own data centers. 3. 1 Repatriation International Human Resources Management 2. For example, a bank that runs a home loan mela for a couple of weeks will observe a massive shoot up in resource and workload demand. "AWS claimed that only 5% of all the compute in the . This reversal of the trend has been dubbed " Cloud Repatriation .". Learn the challenges faced by organizations in moving data from on-premise to cloud and the repatriating cloud data. So to help generalize the potential savings from cloud repatriation to a broader set of companies, Thomas Dullien, former Google engineer and co-founder of cloud computing optimization company . Today the company has precision control of its IT costs as it continues to grow, taking . European companies - including the . For some, Cloud repatriation involves converting workloads back into on-premises models. And it will likely keep climbing to a projected $800 billion by 2028.". Cost is the biggest driver of cloud repatriation and . So a discussion about repatriation is an opportunity to think about what implementations are best suited to the cloud. Workload repatriation is the phenomenon in which a workload that was initially developed and deployed in a public cloud is brought back to a private or managed cloud. A core reason for cloud repatriation is data security compliance. For example, you might have virtual machines hosted on a service like Amazon EC2 or Azure Virtual Machines that you migrate back to an on-premises data center. As the cost of cloud starts to contribute significantly to the total cost of revenue (COR) or cost of goods sold (COGS), some companies have taken the dramatic step of "repatriating" the majority of workloads (as in the example of Dropbox) or in other cases adopting a hybrid approach (as with CrowdStrike and Zscaler). Dropbox was the poster child of that piece, and I don't see them as an inspiring example of repatriation translating to valuation growth." Several executives contacted by SiliconANGLE, whose firms. And despite the growth in public cloud consumption, repatriation it is becoming. So, why would any smart organization decide to do the exact opposite of what all the industry advice says is the right thing to do? For example, an enterprise that moves terabytes of data to and from the cloud can be charged significant egress fees. 3. Redundancy is another argument people use to justify multi/hybrid cloud. If data is constantly swapping between clouds and on-premise storage or compute resources, something is wrong. The phenomenon clearly exists, and one can find examples of repatriated applications. Cloud repatriation the shifting of workloads from public cloud to a hybrid cloud deployment model has been on the rise. For example, if for some reason, AWS stops working entirely tomorrow, part of your infrastructure will still function inside. In fact, right now, we are hearing a lot from companies which have realized that the cloud is not the whole answer. They are moving workloads back out of the cloud, in a movement known as "cloud repatriation" or the "cloud diaspora." As Sarah Wang and Martin Casado at Andreessen Horowitz put it in May 2021, the cloud . There are many public cloud providers including: AWS Google Cloud Platform IBM Cloud Microsoft Azure Openstack (private cloud) Rackspace VMware Cloud How does Avi Networks Enable Multi-Cloud? ? This reversal of the trend has been dubbed "Cloud Repatriation." Like salmon swimming upstream, any company pulling workloads off the cloud has to face a tremendous amount of resistance. Repatriating $100M of annual public cloud spend can translate to roughly less than half of annual total cost of ownership (TCO) from server racks, real estate, and cooling to network and engineering costs. Cloud repatriation the practice of retrieving applications or workloads from public clouds and moving them elsewhereis an increasingly valuable tool CIOs can leverage. 2 Refersto thetermination of theoverseas assignment and coming back to thehome country - to thecountry wheretheHQ id located or to thehomecountry subsidiary from wherehe/shewasexpatriated. Finally, one-fifth (20%) of respondents repatriated applications because of unexpected costs in the public cloud. An IDC survey discovered that 80% of respondents moved cloud workloads on-premises or to a private cloud solution within the past year. How to Make a Plan for a Cloud Exit Strategy 1. In general, as illustrated in figure 1, if organizations exclusively use the IaaS layer of a cloud provider's platform, virtual machines and containers, for example, then the repatriation will be easier, even at scale, then if your application has many dependencies on higher level PaaS offerings. Like salmon swimming upstream, any company pulling workloads off the cloud has to face a tremendous amount of resistance. Repatriation can drive a big reduction in cloud spend, and an oft-cited figure is 50% savings. European companies - including the ones in the Nordic and Benelux areas - have had a more cautious approach to cloud adoption than, for example, their US counterparts, and are repatriating some workloads to alternative infrastructures. Adopting this for the purposes of making the point, repatriation would, in the example cited by Casado and Wang, result in savings of $4 billion in recovered profit. The cloud topic that got me ruminating about those long-ago rainy days is called "cloud repatriation." . . Cloud Repatriation - Fact or Fiction? . A hybrid cloud . This is a heady number. "The repatriation of our big data ecosystem along with physical data movement using high-velocity data shuttles and cloud architectures allows us to ingest all our parametric data and provide a richer data analytics experience to our engineering and operations teams at a fraction of the cost of the public cloud," says Naik. Vendor lock-in feels a little like a noose. The complexity of the cloud has made many businesses feel like they're tied to a particular cloud vendor, and with hundreds of thousands of workloads . Cloud repatriation has been a growing trend in recent years. For example, the scale and modernity of the AWS hardware allowed Zynga to cut the size of a zCloud analytics cluster in half, to 115 nodes. 4. Herein lies the debate over whether repatriating workloads is an either-or scenario. Arguably the most successful example of repatriation is how Dropbox saved $75m in cumulative savings thanks to their infrastructure optimization project, mostly repatriating their workloads from public cloud in 2017. Cloud repatriation is a shift of workloads from the public cloud to local infrastructure environments, and this trend is picking up speed. Cloud repatriation is the process of bringing back certain workloads and applications from the public cloud back to on-premises data centers. Gartner survey results from a 2019 report, titled "Define and understand new cloud terms to succeed in the new cloud era," indicate that roughly 21% of 134 respondents had repatriated workloads, but only about 4% repatriated workloads from a public cloud provider. Data repatriation is becoming more and more common as companies realize that continuing to store an increasingly large amount . There are a plethora of reasons for this workload transition. Also, there was a reason why we didn't like CapEx to begin with, and it's not suddenly become a bargain. Automation and artificial intelligence are making waves in managing cloud costs behind the scenes, eliminating the need for manual governance over resource spend. Trends driving the evolution of cloud repatriation and hybrid digital infrastructure. 3. One of the earliest examples of precipitation was the development of Open Connect by Netflix. Creating governance and cloud policies around how public cloud is used might provide the same benefits, without the added work of repatriation. In this article, I'll discuss one of these trends: Workload Repatriation. If you've inherited a cloud which is a mess, or it's otherwise got away from you, then repatriation is an opportunity to get your data management under control. A significant purpose behind cloud repatriation is that private solutions are intended to return the control to the hands of the client. Cloud repatriation isn't a radically new concept, but it has grown in popularity in recent years. Global adoption and repatriation of cloud vendors 2022, by vendor; Further related statistics. A private cloud solution is intended to be consumed by a single association. Cloud repatriation is a term often used by technology companies that don't operate a public cloud. HyperCloud provides a platform for self-service, fully automated cloud consumption, delivering VMs, containers, and rich data and networking services all within a single platform. Dropbox and New Belgium Brewing are two high profile examples of organizations who have repatriated their primary applications. For example, if you . " This market presentation highlights the trend that many early adopters of public cloud are . First, cloud is not a single concept, but means different things to . In addition to security and performance, we've seen a few additional drivers for cloud repatriation. Mergers and acquisitions also change cloud requirements. The theme of cloud repatriation has been getting some attention lately. For multi-tenant data center (MTDC) operators, cloud repatriation presents multiple new opportunities to win over new . Data repatriation, also known as cloud repatriation or the hybridization of cloud storage, is the process of moving all data from the cloud to an on-premises data storage system or combining local and cloud data storage. For example, you will still want Object Storage in your Cloud for backups, but you might want direct hardware access for your databases without VM or Container overhead. Businesses may elect to move one or more, and in some cases all, of their applications and data out of the public cloud. Their S-1 filing claimed they'd reduced operating costs by $74.6 million over the two years following their going public. The same can be said of other repatriation drivers, such as performance and cost. Repatriation results in one-third to one-half the cost of running equivalent workloads in the cloud. 3 Period of posting got over Expatriatewishesto return on account of desire for children to study at thehomecountry Need for . Innovation is the second-factor driving cloud repatriation. For example, IDC found that younger organizations are significantly more likely to repatriate public cloud workloads than those that have been in business for 25+ years. It's rarely a balanced argument, so I wanted to share some of our experiences to provide a broader perspective. . Other business changes might include financial reporting and investment strategies that emphasize capital investment and make the public cloud's recurring operational expenses less attractive. Regulatory Compliance Many companies that have uncritically embraced Cloud First strategies have seen costs increase, performance drop, or compliance being challenged and are now moving workloads and data off a public cloud environment to a different infrastructure. Application owners can consume cloud resources under the private control of their IT organization instead of public clouds, saving up to 80% vs. public clouds. At the heart of these waves lies a common concern over costs. Preparations for Executing Cloud Exit Plan Preparedness Measures Training on cloud technology and O&M When a new server, storage, networking or infrastructure components come out, they can deliver more performance per watt for specific applications, allowing businesses to improve performance while saving money. Organizations have migrated applications from the cloud back on-prem. If they don't get that right, businesses will end up having to repatriate parts of their estate.". Based on the results announced this. . The first, as mentioned above, is if your public cloud expenses have crept beyond what an on premise solution would cost. It's curious that cloud repatriation is no more popular than it is. The remainder had repatriated from colocation, SaaS or other outside services. Deep insights into telecom network data are indispensable for developing solutions that properly support data security compliance and balance data sovereignty and service needs. The term cloud repatriation implies that workloads moved out of the public cloud will permanently reside elsewhere. Repatriation 1. AWS is innovating on technology at a pace that we simply cannot keep up with, while the flexibility and the learnings we achieved from operating our own cloud allowed us to find a path back to AWS. For example, the public cloud need not be less secure than any other type of cloud. A multi-cloud architecture is one that includes two or more clouds of the same type. Content delivery network (CDN) as a service (or cloud CDN) was an essential part of the streaming giant's early strategy, but content . . To get cloud right, and avoid any potential need for repatriation in the future, organisations need to understand three things. Two common examples of the cloud's ability to enhance revenue: Event MetaBeat 2022 MetaBeat will bring together thought leaders to give guidance on how metaverse technology will transform the way. Often referred to as "cloud repatriation", we now see a non-trivial percentage of large enterprises are leading the third wave of cloud out of the public space and back to the data center and, one assumes, to a private cloud (86.5% of organizations operate one on-premises). . A oft-cited example is Microsoft . While this has implications for software infrastructure companies, the effect will be varied. IDC recently published "Workload Repatriation An Integral Part of Cloud Migration Journeys. It is a growing trend and according to IDC, 80% of customers report cloud repatriation activities. Yet, for others, it entails migrating to more sophisticated types of Cloud-based architectures. The main reason is obvious: After businesses moved to the cloud as a means of pursuing digital transformation, many have started to realize that the cloud didn't always enable all of their digital transformation goals. For example, IDC reports that 20 percent will return to a traditional on-premises, non-cloud environment, while another 43 percent are destined for a retooled on-premises private cloud. Shifting away from public cloud usage, also called "cloud repatriation", may indicate a natural evolution towards a hybrid-cloud solution.

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