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Although Guernsey is not part of the UK, it is part of the British Isles and there are very strong economic, cultural and social links between Guernsey and the UK. Using a tightly spun 5-ply worsted, wool (popularly known as "Seamen's Iron") the intricately, patterned Gansey is knitted in one piece on five steel needles. The Aran jumper (Irish: Geansa rann) is a style of jumper that takes its name from the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland. Because the pattern is the same on both sides, the gansey isreversible, so that parts which come in for heavier wear, such as the elbows, can be alternated. 01262 850943, For the Denim or a looser knit Gansey Hand-knitted in one piece in the traditional way, using 5-ply worsted wool. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. They are knitted with 5 ply worsted wool in one piece with no seams. 135.44, 193.49 It became traditional for the knitter to put in a number of 'mistakes' so the sweaters were personal to each member of the family. A tough weatherproof garment, usually navy blue . Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Flamborough Marine : The Manor House : Flamborough : Bridlington : East Riding of Yorkshire, If your browser indicates that this site is not secure, please click, An article in "Classic Boat" magazine, which featured, our Ganseys, resulted in queries and orders from, around the world. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. : a knitted jacket or sweater : jersey. It is because of our commitment to keeping the Gansey tradition alive, that This England referred to "Flamborough Marine Ltd, who now perpetuate the north-, eastern art of knitting Gansey sweaters, a tradition which once seemed likely to die out". patience, for each Gansey takes a minimum of four weeks to knit. To denote this he would turn up the bottom of his Gansey to let other Captains know he was approachable for hire. They were traditionally knitted by the fishermens wives and the pattern passed down from mother to daughter through the generations. Henry was a, lifeboatman for more than 40 years, 22 years as coxswain. It took an average of 84 hours to complete a sweater more elaborate styles took more, while designs that were simpler, took rather less. (30% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time. This means that the Gansey is. Learn more. Original Price 5.87 toddler. Yes! The most beautiful sweater of all is the gansey or guernsey, originally designed for fishermen. Indeed, every part of the garment is designed with practicality in mind. reversible, so that areas which come in for heavier wear, such as the elbows, can be alternated. The, patterning to back and front and, in some cases, the upper part of, the sleeve provides an extra layer of protection, while the, combination of seamless construction, fine wool and tight knitting. A Dutch book about ganseys with 60 knitting patterns, To order for 24,95 at :, a traditionalgansey,hand-knitted in one piece,, very nice to get the insight on these traditional knits and Dutch truienhope Winter comes soon this year. While we were there we took note of some of the older fishermen in the bay. believe that we offer the only outlet for the authentic finished product. No wonder in the 19th and 20th century, these jumpers were highly popular. Day-Lewis wearing his Staithes pattern Gansey, hand-knitted in one piece by one of our expert, had unearthed some photographs of his father, Cecil, Day-Lewis, wearing a Gansey. Like Jerseys, they are not desirable producers of beef. Gansies were worn next to the skin with nothing underneath. Her work has been featured in many magazines including The Knitter, Knit Now, Simply Knitting, Mollie Makes, Simply Sewing and Simply Crochet. In this way the fisherman could be returned to their family for burial. Hans ordered a Filey Gansey. The fine ganseys were often made by women who were going to get married, and who wanted to show society who they were through the style and workmanship they put in their fiances sweaters. Note that the patterning is the same, back and front. When shes not busy making she shares her wild swimming adventures at Knitted without seams in a chunky, undyed wool, the overall colour is a light grey-brown which is determined by the natural colour of the fleece. Many, many thanks to those of you who have already contributed! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us onFacebook,TwitterorInstagram! The gansey sweater is a great example of how an item charged with practicality and symbolism became a fashion staple that is a clear reference to an old, rough past. My partners father was born in Rotterdam. (10% off), Sale Price 59.98 SEK Flamborough Marine Limited : Traditional Knitwear & Hand-Knitted Ganseys The Manor House, Flamborough, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire. last updated: 28/03/2008 at 14:09created: 17/09/2007, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites. A few weeks after it, arrived, Thomas' brother Hans saw the Gansey and, was hooked! A gansey (or guernsey) is a hardwearing, hand knitted, woollen jumper which has been worn by fishermen around the coast of Britian for many years. From Noras Ganseys we were able to make, charts of the patterns which, beforehand, had not normally been written. One thing however has remained constant and that is the, premises in Flamborough where the various Ganseys are displayed. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Note, that this Staithes pattern has a short welt with a split at each side (not visible) in contrast to the. Cookies and similar technologies are used to improve your experience, to do things like: Without these technologies, things like personalized recommendations, your account preferences, or localisation may not work correctly. We were able to establish that his fathers, Gansey was, in fact, not knitted in one piece, but we, were again able to replicate the pattern (with a few, alterations, such as the addition of a sleeve pattern) with, the end result being a stunning Gansey which, it. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. He moved to Whitby and became a fisherman and a lifeboatman. Where to buy: The wool is knitted tightly so as to "turn water"; the lack of seams, ensures greater strength and impermeability; the underarm gusset, allows freedom of movement; the lower sleeves where most wear, is sustained, are left plain so the worn part can be unravelled and, re-knitted, while the patterning across the chest provides extra. It can cover parts of the neck as well, depending on the cut. Great! As a working garment, the gussets under the arm and at the neck are for ease of movement, as are the splits at the hem. colour 5-ply wool, in our shop at Flamborough. See specialises in knitting design and grading, and regularly teaches classes for A Yarn Story in Bath. Of the hundred initial replies only ten decided to, persevere. Cant wait to get one, Mooi artikel weer Netty!!! Waiting for him was the Scarborough Gansey previously ordered and, knitted by one of our skilled knitters. Twenty-four principal patterns have been identified in Cornwall alone, each one again drawing inspiration from ropes, chains, waves, nets and sand-prints. As an antique shop was also, run from the same premises we began to receive inquiries for antique, sweaters, that is, the hand-knitted Ganseys which were once so much a, feature of the fishing communities, but which had become generally, unavailable. Because of the fine stitch gauge, they all look amazing. This is the mobile variant of our web-site, specially designed for, viewing on smartphones, but lacking some of the more. Consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to messages, Looks like you already have an account! The work style was simpler in design, as it was supposed to be practical and to use little materials (in the past, materials were a lot rougher and heavier than today, so adding too much bulk to a piece would result in a really impractical garment). This is the authentic Traditional Guernsey sweater offered as a unisex style made from 100% Pure British Wool (spun to Guernsey Woollens Specification) in Navy It combines traditional techniques and skills with historic textured patterns and style details. appears, has become one of his favourites. In time, the different communities that adapted the gansey around the British Isles developed their own gansesys, which were all based on the original pattern. Further north, Robin Hood's Bay is holding its annual Propagansey exhibition, which is celebrating its 10th year. At the same time, the lower sleeves where most wear is sustained, are left plain so the worn part can be unravelled and re-knitted, which makes the sweater very long-lasting. We contacted long-time resident of Flamborough, Nora Woodhouse, who knitted our first Ganseys (from memory) in several, Ganseys before the war by her fisherman father after her mother had, been drowned at Robin Hoods Bay. While the majority of Gansey patterns are to be found in Yorkshire, and the North-East of England, other patterns originate from, Cornwall and East Anglia. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. There is a slight taper but the upper and, lower arm measurement for the sleeves should be virtually identical (with the measurement above, referring to the average, being a measurement taken from the centre of the sleeve edge where it, To reiterate, please bear in mind the propensity of the Ganseys to "close up" to the body, with the, heavily-patterned Ganseys, especially those with a number of cables, closing up further, so that the, finished product gives the impression of being smaller than they are : when placing a special order, with a knitter we instruct them to cast on a requisite number of stitches, based on a knitting tension, The two images (below, right) of the same size 42 Filey Gansey illustrate the extent to which the, heavily-patterned Ganseys draw in: laid flat, it will only measure about 38 inches but will comfortably. Each gansey has a unique pattern which varied from village to village and from family to family. At these times we would respectfully ask for your. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. Made in Guernsey, Channel Islands. insulation. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. reversible, so that areas which come in for heavier wear, such as the elbows, can be alternated. Indeed, every part of the garment is designed with practicality in mind. Their tough style with a soft twist is enjoyed by many as they make great autumn or winter pieces. For a fully traditional Gansey protection, while the combination of seamless construction, fine wool and tight knitting produced a garment that is both wind and waterproof. Two styles of Gansey exist: a plain working gansey and a finer example that was generally saved for special occasions and Sunday-bestattire. See more ideas about sweaters, knitted, knitwear. in for heavier wear, such as the elbows, can be alternated. Yarns which are poorly stored, allowed to get damp and then dried, or which did not have all the lanolin removed when spun may become brittle in time, so it is better to wash it out. 01947 600585, Need more Gansey? It is estimated that a total of 84 hours was needed to complete a gansey: a simpler design could be produced faster than a more elaborate one. Using a tightly spun 5-ply worsted wool (popularly known as "Seamen's Iron") the intricately patterned Gansey is knitted in, one piece on five steel needles. At the end of the month, from Friday September 29 until Sunday October 1 there will be a gansey symposium, with talks and events revolving around the tradition of gansey making (and wearing) in fishing communities, spanning from the Moray Firth to the Netherlands. To return to this site, simply go to the LINKS page, which is common to all our sites. Consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to messages, Looks like you already have an account! During the Hundred Years War, the Channel Islands were part of the French territory recognizing the claims of the English kings to the French throne. ', Colleen Corby, Model Icon in a more Innocent Time. Please. The gansey, meanwhile, is knitted in one piece, by hand, using double-ended steel needles, and each one can take several weeks to make. As a working garment, the gussets under the arm and at the neck are for ease of movement, as are the splits at the hem. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. To allow for more information to be presented on these other activities, we have other self-, contained web-sites and some of the links you will encounter while browsing these pages will take you to these. Plus, save 39% off the shop price and subscribe for just 19.99 every 6 issues! Ganseys. Ganseys do have to be treated carefully, or they felt up. The patterns themselves are easy enough to knit almost without exception they consist of nothing more complicated than knit and purl stitches, and cables their complexity comes from the combinations, and the fact that with some 200 stitches to play with across the chest you can achieve some very spectacular effects. Choosing a pattern and adjusting it to fit, Sneaky Side Project: Filey (Matt Cammish) 24 April, Wick (John MacLeod II): Week 15 17 April, Wick (John MacLeod II): Week 14 10 April, Wick (John MacLeod II): Week 13 3 April, Wick (John MacLeod II): Week 12 27 March, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 11 20th March, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 10 13th March, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 9 6th March, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 8 27 February, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 7 20 February, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 6 13 February, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 5 6 February, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 4 30 January, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 3 23 January, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 2 16 January, Wick (John Macleod II): Week 1 9 January, Knitting the Herring: Scotland's National Gansey Project, Zeeuwsevisserstruien (Fishermens' Sweaters). Sweaters can be defined by many characteristics, most notably the cut or style, the pattern, or the knit. One thing however has remained constant and, that is the premises in Flamborough where the various Ganseys are, displayed. !XXX, Very interesting, I have the book, and now try to learn how to knit the pattern and to find the yarn, I am in Australia. A thrilled Mr Wright could not, wait to try his Gansey on (complete with tag) and kindly consented, While the majority of Gansey patterns are to be found in Yorkshire and the, North-East of England, other patterns originate from Cornwall and East. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. How do you wear them? Every family had their own patterns and used them more or less exclusively. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The exhibition is at Fylingthorpe Methodist chapel, from 10am to 4pm, running from 9-17 September. (Its rumoured to be wind and waterproof, but this can be overstated see Gansey Myths.). Ganseys were traditionally a fairly snug fit, but in order to give the arms the freedom of movement required on a busy working trawler there are gussets under the arms. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. protection, while the combination of seamless construction, fine wool and tight knitting produced a garment that is both wind and waterproof. One of our knitters was then able to replicate, So successful was this that a second Gansey was then, commissioned by Sir Daniel, to match the one worn by, his father. Apart from the yarn, the other main reason why ganseys are knit so tightly is the size of the needles 2.25 mm. A satisfied customer, descended from Henry Freeman, (opposite), tries on his Whitby Gansey, knitted in denim. The wool used for knitting Ganseys is not, specially oiled, but relies on a combination of close knitting and. The working gansey design was kept simpler in order to reduce the amount of time and materials needed to produce. Indeed. This Wee Gansey Sweater is patterned after the famous British Gansey - a working garment worn by fishermen during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A gansey (or guernsey) is a hardwearing, hand knitted, woollen jumper which has been worn by fishermen around the coast of Britian for many years. I was especially drawn to the wool jumpers a lot of the gents were wearing so I endeavoured to find out where I could purchase an authentic fishermans jumper. In the Netherlands all fishing-villages had their own knitting pattern for ganseys. Cookies and similar technologies are used to improve your experience, to do things like: Without these technologies, things like personalized recommendations, your account preferences, or localisation may not work correctly. Shown at left is a beautiful Cornish Knit-frock in the Polperro design. We are the Keeper's of the Great Northern Seas !. Daniel Day-Lewis in his Staithes Gansey, supplied by, his is the mobile variant of our web-site, specially designed for, viewing on smartphones, but lacking some of the more detailed. Great! The knitting industry of Guernsey Island goes back to the 15th century, when a royal grant was obtained. To me the sexiest outfit for a man is a (preferably hand-knitted) woollen sweater and corduroy trousers. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. waterproof. Sweden | English (US) | kr (SEK), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. This stunning Gansey demonstrates what our knitters are, capable of; but, as a special commission, this particular pattern cannot, be repeated. Ganseys are knitted in a particular wool, known as Guernsey 5-ply, a hard twist worsted spun wool available from specialist suppliers. Is there any reference about the Hudson Bay fur trade using or supplying the sweaters in the fur trade for their employees who came to the Americas around the 1800 hundreds? The garments are supremely practical for the purpose - more flexible than a jacket, but robust enough to keep out wind and light spray; knitted by the . The patterning across the chest and back serves not just a stylistic purpose, but it provides extra insulation as well. down but, rather, were passed on by word of mouth. . A tough weatherproof garment, usually navy blue, its purpose was more than just to keep the fishermen warm and dry.. Where did the word gansey come from? Want to know more? Generally, looking at the gansey styles, there are two types of this sweater: one is a working gansey and the other is a finer type. The wool is knitted tightly so as to turn water; the lack of seams ensures greater strength and impermeability; the underarm gusset allows freedom of movement; the lower sleeves where most wear is sustained, are left plain so the worn part can be unravelled and re-knitted, while the patterning across the chest provides extra insulation. Dutch ganseys with different knitting patterns. We supplied these first ten with needles, wool, charts and, instructions and began to build up a stock of Ganseys. Feb 27, 2019 - Traditional Hand Knitted British Gansey Knitwear. The Ganseys proved to be immensely useful, fighting, cold temperatures and wind forces up to 6 on the, In the photograph, taken by Iris, the Filey Gansey on, the left is worn by Hans, and, at right the Flamborough, Gansey worn by Thomas. The islands were invaded by the French in 1338, who held some territory until 1345. The patterning on them means that they can never be baggy and, in fact, they have, a tendency to close-up. As a fun fact, ganseys that were made for children were made larger, so that the child can grow up and wear the same pullover. The longer sleeves and, thumb holes were his special request. The. Read our Cookie Policy. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. The first thing you notice when you handle one, apart from the weight, is how finely, and tightly, they are knitted. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. If there was a shipwreck or accident the bodies washed up on the shore could be identified by their gansey as being from a particular village and family. During the, succeeding years some knitters have dropped out and others have taken, their places. Sale Price 28.49 SEK The most popular styles still available include Staithes, Runswick Bay, Whitby, Robin Hoods Bay, Scarborough, Filey, Flamborough, Patrington, and Humber Keel. The. If possible, I would recommend going to get measured up and talk in person about your requirements, but if you cant then the place I bought mine from (details below) do an excellent mail order service. The gansey sweater was a garment developed on this island and became a staple of fishermen, as they required a hard-wearing, warm and comfortable garment that would withstand the spray of the sea. Almost every sport calls it a jersey. Using a tightly spun 5-ply worsted wool (popularly known as Seamens Iron) the intricately patterned gansey is knitted in one, piece on five steel needles. The colours are shown as accurately as possible. This gives a stitch gauge in the region of 8 or 9 stitches to the inch, and 12 rows per inch (my personal stitch gauge is about 9 stitches per inch). 142.97, 204.24 Using a tightly spun 5-ply worsted, wool (popularly known as "Seamen's Iron") the intricately. This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download. You can find out more about their fascinating history and legacy at exhibitions in Robin Hood's Bay and Sheringham this month. See more ideas about fisherman sweater, sweaters, knitting. Please. Although rarely worn by fishermen these days, the art of gansey knitting is alive and well and thriving on the East Coast and they have become something of a fashion item worldwide! Indeed, every part of the garment is designed with practicality in mind. Twenty-four principal patterns have been identified in Cornwall alone, each one again drawing inspiration from ropes, chains, waves, nets and sand-prints. An internet search, brought him to the Flamborough Marine web-site where, he was very much taken with this image (at left) on our, site, of a proud Victorian Gansey-wearer in a classic, pattern. boats which is held each year in the North of Germany. The patterning on the back and front and sometimes the upper part of the sleeve, which characterizes the style, provides an extra layer ofprotection. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. (The important thing to note here is that no sewing is required at any stage, unless you darn in the loose ends of the various balls of wool on the inside after youve finished knitting. Do you wear gansey sweaters? In other words, there was a strong social hierarchy meaning to the sweaters as well. The wool is knitted tightly so as to "turn water"; the lack of seams, ensures greater strength and impermeability; the underarm, gusset allows freedom of movement; the lower sleeves where, most wear is sustained, are left plain so the worn part can be, unravelled and re-knitted, while the patterning across the chest. InCompany by Attire Club Smaller Hanse models are now built with single skin (monolithic skin), the 418 is the first with a sandwich-hull but the new 458 comes with a single skin hull and only bigger boats have a sandwich-hull. First to offer an outlet for the sale of Ganseys once. The island has a long history, dating back many centuries. I cant think of a garment thats going to look better with this beard Im growing. In common with other traditional pullovers, a gansey is knit in the round, as a tube, starting at the bottom and working up to the armpit gussets. Original Price 54.71 SEK Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. 4.40, 5.87 Without this outlet the knitters would have nowhere to sell their wares and, the art of Gansey knitting (for, although a craft, the work itself is so intricate, as to be rightly called an art form) would again be in danger of, Classic Filey Pattern Gansey in Dark Navy, A Gansey is a distinctive woollen sweater, originally designed to provide protection for fishermen from wind and water but which is ideal for, all outdoor activity. After a year's market research in seven countries, Bavaria, Farr Yacht Design and Design Unlimited got their heads together and the Vision range is the resul. This is a very fine yarn, which knits up into quite a tight mesh. A gansey (or guernsey) is a hardwearing, hand knitted, woollen jumper which has been worn by fishermen around the coast of Britian for many years. Well, there's more to the jumper or 'gansey' than just keeping warm Find out about the fascinating history of these sweaters A gansey (or guernsey) is a hardwearing, hand knitted, woollen jumper which has been worn by fishermen around the coast of Britian for many years. Whilst the classic gansey pattern remained plain, the stitch patterns used became more complex the further north the garment spread, with the most complex evolving in the Scottish fishing villages. Note that the patterning is the same, back and front. Searching for Fisherman Gansey Sweater? What Is The Traditional Gift For 25 Year Anniversary? The patterning to back and front and, in some cases, the upper part of the sleeve provides an extra layer of protection, while the combination of seamless construction, fine wool and tight knitting produced a garment that is both wind and waterproof. These textured navy sweaters were designed to last a lifetime and their influence can still be seen on fashion and workwear today - many lifeboat stations have their own gansey patterns. The wool used for knitting Ganseys is not specially, oiled, but relies on a combination of close knitting and a tight spinning twist for its weatherproof, The Gansey was originally a working garment so they are worn fairly close-fitting but should not be, uncomfortable. There will be ganseys from the UK and Holland on display, along with two gansey stitch sampler blankets of patterns - one from Orkney and one from Holland. We want to hear from you! You can find out more about their fascinating . A tough weatherproof garment, usually navy blue, its purpose was more than just to keep the fishermen warm and dry. Proudly, modelled by my son. Today, they have entered in the fashion world as well and are worn by many men (and women alike), not just by sailors. 28.49 SEK, 27.07 SEK The knitting patterns were important to be able toidentify men after a ship had sunk.. Its arguable that the use and wearing of ganseys throughout the British Isles for over a century and a half almost justifies the gansey for qualification as a national costume. only ten decided to persevere. Classic fine, tight knit with gussets at neck and underarm, rib detail at top of set-in sleeves and slits at sides.
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