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Angelo Vertti, 18 de setembro de 2022

About is the world's leading source for international market research reports and market data. As a measure of experts consensus, median and average median were used as in Hears et al.s study [, The first part of the survey was dedicated to the main requirement points of the environmental management standardISO 14001. Project overview: An approach to measuring circularity. Sustainable Development, 28(5), 12511268. There are quite a few articles in the literature describing the barriers encountered by SMEs in the implementation of circular-economy-specific activities. permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. Circular economy (CE) aims to create a sustainable economy while keeping economic growth intact, by internalizing negative externalities, such as waste. Wiedmann, T. O., Suh, S., Feng, K., Lenzen, M., Acquaye, A., Scott, K., & Barrett, J. R. (2011). National Peoples Congress. (2017). ; Ometto, A.R. Considering the development of further research in this area, it is recommended to perform a survey conducted among managers of small- and medium-sized enterprises that are considering the option of switching to a CE. Consulted on 7/11/2020, via, Mud jeans. Ciravegna Martins da Fonseca, L.M. The aim of the study was to predict the most effective functioning of circular economy at the macro-level by the selection of the best possible requirements addressed for SMEs (as an extension supplement of a voluntary environmental management systemISO 14001). As von der Gracht claimed [, The study was conducted in October 2022. Modelling the interplay between institutions and circular economy business models: A case study of battery recycling in Finland and Chile. After that, panelists were asked for changes or answer justifications. The first one is to analyze the theoretical context of circular economy from a triple-level approach (i.e. A draft framework for quality management system auditor education: Findings from the initial stage of a Delphi study. Kristensen, H. s., & Mosgaard, M. A. What affects residents participation in the circular economy for sustainable development? Kirchherr, J.; Reike, D.; Hekkert, M. Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Francis, C. A., Harwood, R. R., & Parr, J. F. (1986). Implementation of circular economy business models by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Barriers and enablers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 257268. Smyth, J. C. (2006). Pregled indikatora cirkularne ekonomije razvijenih zemalja. In: Obradovi, V. (eds) Sustainable Business Change. (2015a). Open Journal of Ecology, 8(01), 2541. Applied Sciences, 9(8), 1712. The journey. In National seminar on mineral resources of Kerala (pp. [32]. (2016). Petrovic, N., Savic, G., Andrijasevic, D., Stanojevic, M., Cirovic, M., Slovic, D., & Radakovic, J. Top management should allocate responsibilities and powers in the field of CE, 6.1. European Commission EC. 200 senior-level executives are anticipated for an exclusive day of partnering, networking and business matching. Retrieved at:, European Commission EC. ; formal analysis, P.K. PDF The Circular Economy Concept and Facts - Makropoulos, C., Rozos, E., Tsoukalas, I., Plevri, A., Karakatsanis, G., Karagiannidis, L., et al. The Cambridge business model innovation process. Moore, J. F. (1993). Anggraeni, E., Den Hartigh, E., & Zegveld, M. (2007, October). (n.d.-a). conomie circulaire: l'urgence cologique: monde en transe. ; writingoriginal draft preparation, P.K. Beratan, K. K., Kabala, S. J., Loveless, S. M., Martin, P. J., & Spyke, N. P. (2004). the meso level: eco-industrial parks, networks and clusters and the macro level: city, region, nation and international with the goal of sustainable development, which implies environmental quality, economic prosperity and social equity, for the benefit of current and future generations. CE activities focus exclusively on one of three levels (macro level, meso level and micro level). Mihajlov, A., Mladenovi, A., & Jovanovi, A. The most discussed requirements that should be further studied in that context were internal audits and managerial reviews. Chine en transit. For more information, please refer to The circular economy: A review of definitions, processes and impacts. Green action plan for SMEs Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities. Towards the circular economy: economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition, volume 1. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the CTBUH Journal, 3, 2634. An open access circular supply chain for fashion. The circular economy: An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and application in a global context. CEPS Research Report No 2017/8, April 2017. State-of-the-art of waste wood supply chain in Germany and selected European countries. List of issues for further work . In this research, we have created a circular production chain (CPC) that takes into account the resources, production process, product, and waste a company produces, through three aspects: imput, design, and output, but also places the company in the bigger picture, that is, the economy, and shows how CE is achieved by multiple companies working together, highlighting the importance of tactical management. Allee, V. (2008). (2019). (2020). Australian Social Work, 66(2), 187203. Waste Management, 33(3), 656662. Business ecosystem as a perspective for studying the relations between firms and their business networks. [In Serbian]. The standard also aims to provide frameworks and guidelines for a wide range of organizations of various sizes and levels of knowledge, as well as understanding the circular economy [, Another standardized system on circular economy is the French standard published by ANFOR in 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 260, 121003. Presses de l'cole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses. Sustainability, 12(11), 4483. Indicators to measure efficiency in circular economies. Those were: The scope of the CE system and communication. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, (2020). ; methodology, P.K. Wouter Van Cauwenberghe . A systematic review for measuring circular economy: The 61 indicators Haanstra, W., Toxopeus, M. E., & Van Gerrevink, M. R. (2017). Google Scholar. Santos, G.; Rebelo, M.; Lopes, N.; Alves, M.R. Nowicki, P.; Kafel, P.; Balon, U.; Wojnarowska, M. Circular economys standardized management systems. Circularity indicators An approach to measure circularity. Van Loo, E. J., Caputo, V., & Lusk, J. L. (2020). Bernardo, M.; Simon, A.; Tar, J.J.; Molina-Azorn, J.F. In. Facilitation in Complexity pp 119154Cite as, Part of the Contributions to Management Science book series (MANAGEMENT SC.). Predators and prey: A new ecology of competition. Planning and supervision of operational activities, 8.2. It seems natural that it can constitute the basis for the most convenient implementation of the requirements and principles of the circular economy. Benefits of management systems integration: A literature review. Our industry leaders provide new perspectives, and share cutting-edge content and insights to understand the fast-changing global battery market landscape. (2015). Cities and circular economy for food. Ananalysisof 114 definitions of the Circular Economy helped conceptualise the concept, Circular Regions is a Locals.Global initiative, it is oftentimes not highlighted that CE necessitates a, neither business models nor consumers are frequently outlined as, the variety of understandings can result in. Australian Battery Recycling and Manufacturing Summit 2023: - GlobeNewswire Analysis of soybean production and biogas yield to improve eco-marketing and circular economy. Waste management life cycle: Sensitisationimplementation/integrationtransitionoptimisation. 2023 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Van Cauwenberghe, W., Petrevska Nechkoska, R., Poels, G. (2023). This chapter will provide an overview of circular economy indicators at different levels, with a focus on the review of indicators as well as the evaluation system developed by the European Union, which would help decision-makers, both nationally and locally and at the enterprise level. Niero, M.; Rivera, X.C.S. European Comission. Research and Markets. Reprinted from Environmental Education on Research (2005) 1(1), 320. with the goal of sustainable development, which implies environmental quality, economic prosperity and social equity, for the benefit of current and future generations. ; Silva, R. Implementing and certifying ISO 14001 in Portugal: Motives, difficulties and benefits after ISO 9001 certification. Governing a sustainable business ecosystem in Taiwans circular economy: The story of spring pool glass. Barriers to the Circular EconomyIntegration of Perspectives and Domains. Zbornik radova SYM-OP-IS 2020 XLVII Simozijum o operacionim istraivanjima, 2023.09.2020, Beograd (online). Lilja, R. K. (2015). This approach is expressed with new policies (command and control, market-based instruments, and circular public procurement), technological suggestions (e.g. A., Seneganik, M., & Maleti, D. (2017). - Procedia CIRP, 61, 4651. In parallel, researchers are working on the . Jacometti, V. (2019). Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., & Evans, S. (2017). Development and Review of Circular Economy Indicators - Springer Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). A., Petrovi, N., Milenkovi, N., Stanojevi, K., & okovi, A. A review of the circular economy and its implementation. Bongers, F., Alexander, J., Marcroft, J., Crawford, D., & Hairstans, R. (2013).,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Circular economy: Measuring innovation in the product chain. However, both of them are relatively complicated and not very accessible to SME entrepreneurs, especially the French standard which paradoxically seems easier to understand due to it having been built on the HLS structure. CRC Press. Innovative and sustainable business models in the fashion industry: Entrepreneurial drivers, opportunities, and challenges. Part of Retrieved at: Circular economy: A commentary from the perspectives of the 1047 natural and social sciences. RFID-based product information in end-of-life decision making. Overcoming the main barriers of circular economy implementation through a new visualization tool for circular business models. SWD (2018) 17 final. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. According to the performed Delphi study, the main conclusion is that a more circular management system is possible and needed in SME organizations. Sustainable development indicators. Li, S. (2012). Govindan, K.; Hasanagic, M. A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy: A supply chain perspective. PDF Circular Economy and Digital Technologies: a Review of The Current Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 31(1), 771784. Youth attitudes towards goals of a new sustainable development agenda. 5966). Department of Quality Management, Cracow University of Economics, 31-510 Krakw, Poland. (n.d.-c). (n.d.-b). Cayzer, S., Griffiths, P., & Beghetto, V. (2017). GHG balances of bioenergy systemsOverview of key steps in the production chain and methodological concerns. Besthorn, F. H. (2013). Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(3), 526544. Up to now, the battery recycling industry has been the quiet leader of the circular economy in action through high levels of resource recovery for new batteries. Part of Springer Nature. The oil crash created a recycling plastic trap (p. 1). Journal of Environmental Management, 216, 285298. Studies in computational intelligence (Vol. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Madec, F., Geers, R., Vesseur, P., Kjeldsen, N., & Blaha, T. (2001). What is the Circular Economy? | Circular Regions Battery Recycling and Manufacturing Summit is Australia's first event dedicated to a battery circular economy showcasing Australia's industry and working on solutions so Australia is ready at scale to manage the electrification transition. Springer, Cham. A Framework for Assessing the Contribution of Firms to Circular Economy Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33(5), 308320. Hojnik, J.; Ruzzier, M.; Manolova, T.S. Sustainability 15, no. At the Nexus of Blockchain technology, the circular economy, and product deletion. Genovese, A., Acquaye, A. The system level approach to circular economy describes the actors on Pearce, D. W., & Turner, R. K. (1990). The structure of the article consists of five sections: Introduction (where authors described the circular economy phenomena, barriers and difficulties that SMEs encounter while trying to implement CE, and also described the most popular standardized management systems used for CE); Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion and Conclusions. Science of the Total Environment, 589, 122129. Fakultet organizacionih nauka. or other specific characteristics of the organization [, Due to above, SMEs tend to look for solutions that would facilitate their attempt to move from a linear economy to a circular one. Government Offices of Sweden. Impact of river sand mining on the groundwater regime in KeralaAn overview. Heras-Saizarbitoria, I.; Boiral, O.; Ibarloza, A. ISO 45001 and controversial transnational private regulation for occupational health and safety. ; Jabbour, C.J.C. Correspondence to It takes an original approach in joining the two issues together through the recognition that neither a circular economy nor incremental corporate sustainability initiatives are sufficient if they do not contribute to achieving sustainability. In this new rationale, systems are designed to circulate resources as . Martin, M., & Molin, E. (2019). Ragossnig, A. M., & Jovovic, A. Circular economy indicators: What do they measure? A. Gallaud, D., & Laperche, B. Part of Springer Nature. A comprehensive multi-level circular economy assessment framework 128). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Towards a circular economy: A zero waste programme for Europe. Enables the . Prior to developing new strategies, policies and recommendations for a city, region or territory, research clearly states that understanding what is already happening in the Circular Economy in a region is the first step to accelerating it. Editors Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. Control Engineering Practice, 15(11), 13481363. Murray, A., Skene, K., & Haynes, K. (2017). Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. Smart industry: A strategy for new industrialization for Sweden. Circular economy, industrial ecology and short supply chain. Rhodes, C. J. Banerjee, C., & Adenaeuer, L. (2014). Karuppiah, K.; Sankaranarayanan, B.; Ali, S.M. PeerJ, 6, e4428. Food and the circular economy. Geng, Y., Fu, J., Sarkis, J., & Xue, B. [In Serbian]. A systematic review for measuring circular economy: The 61 indicators - ScienceDirect Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 281, 25 January 2021, 124942 A systematic review for measuring circular economy: The 61 indicators De Pascale, , Katarzyna, Limosani, Giuseppe Ioppolo a Add to Mendeley Getting to the roots of aeroponic indoor farming. The Monitoring and Statistics Directorate (SOeS). Through article research with the keywords circular economy and ISO 14001, 131 possible experts were chosen and invited to participate in the study. From that perspective, higher resource efficiency is rather easy to obtain by SMEs. Consensus measurement in Delphi studies. One of the ways may be to develop a supplement that would constitute the basis of circular economy requirements precisely tailored to the structure and nature of the ISO 14001 standard, which would also be a guide in the implementation, which is much sought after by SME entrepreneurs. (n.d.-a). As a requirement for the experts selection, publications in Scopus journals within that area of CE and ISO 14001 were required. Wuyts, W., Miatto, A., Sedlitzky, R., & Tanikawa, H. (2019). Choosing the best practice. International Wood Products Journal, 4(3), 172176. (2017). Milanovi, ., Jovovi, A., Petrovi, N., & Marti, M. (2020a). (2011). Consulted on 3/09/2020, via, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation. and P.N. Project no. Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Milanovi, T., Jovovi, A., Petrovi, N. (2023). Hsieh, Y. C., Lin, K. Y., Lu, C., & Rong, K. (2017). LaCanne, C. E., & Lundgren, J. G. (2018). Ulsen, C., Kahn, H., Hawlitschek, G., Masini, E. A., & Angulo, S. C. (2013). permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. Extending or ending the life of residential buildings in Japan: A social circular economy approach to the problem of short-lived constructions. Ab Wahid, R.; Grigg, N.P. Australian Technical & Manufacturing Innovation, Best Practices & Reducing Barriers to Business to Support Safe and Sustainable Battery Recycling, Investment Opportunities & Future Developments. Livestock Science, 139(12), 9199. The meso level presents CE strategies to industrial eco-parks or inter-enterprise associations known as industrial symbiosis (Balanay and Halog, 2016). Methodology. Planning and 8. Proceedings of eBusiness Research Forum, 2(22), 267281. (2018). [7] are closely com-parable with the denitions from other CE studies, such as Ghisellini et al. General Union environment action programme to 2020. (2016). Regarding the BS 8001, in 2017, BSIBritish Standard Institutepublished the worlds first standard for the circular economy. (2012). Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. The majority of CE research has focused on the macro and meso levels, whereas research on the micro level has been limited. (2015a). Preparedness and response to emergencies, 9.1. ; writingreview and editing, P.K. Potting, J., Hekkert, M. P., Worrell, E., & Hanemaaijer, A. Mendoza, J. M. F., Sharmina, M., Gallego-Schmid, A., Heyes, G., & Azapagic, A. It provides requirements and practical recommendations for initiating, planning, implementing, measuring and managing projects by adopting an open and holistic approach. Research on this subject has come far on the macro level (e.g., legislative recommendations) and the meso level (e.g., life cycle engineering (LCE), circular supply chain (CSC), and circular value chain (CVC)), but less so on the micro level (i.e., the level of the individual firm). (2017). Franco, M. A. (2014b). and the . Nunhes, T.V. 93105). Farooque, M., Zhang, A., Threr, M., Qu, T., & Huisingh, D. (2019). Explore Australia's Battery Recycling and Manufacturing Industry Driving Investment, Innovation and Best Practices as Well as Delivering a Circular Economy, Critical Minerals Security & Net Zero Emissions. Retrieved at: In the context of management implications, an important course of action is the fact that since some SMEs have an implemented, functioning and certified ISO 14001 system, even though there are no official guidelines for implementing circular economy, it is worth getting interested in it and trying to gradually impose the requirements of implementing the circular economy rules, which will bring about the expected results and profits in the long-run. January 16, 2018. The CE policy should contain a commitment to meet the requirements of the CE system, 5.3. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Iannuzzi, A. Oceans. French X PX 30-901: 2018 Circular economyCircular economy project management systemRequirements and guidelines. Circular economy in the pig farming chain: Proposing a model for measurement. Economics of natural resources and the environment. (2011). Inhibitors to circular economy practices in the leather industry using an integrated approach: Implications for sustainable development goals in emerging economies. and P.N. Song, J., Chen, C., Zhu, S., Zhu, M., Dai, J., Ray, U., & Yao, Y. Correlation between eco-efficiency measures and resource and impact decoupling for thermal power plants in Serbia., Kafel P, Nowicki P. Circular Economy Implementation Based on ISO 14001 within SME Organization: How to Do It Best? The authors declare no conflict of interest. [31], Saidani et al. European Commission EC. Circular Economy and Sustainability | Home - Springer In this study, a panel of 17 experts was chosen from different countries, such as Poland, Japan, Montenegro, Portugal and Spain. Vertical farming using hydroponic system: Toward a sustainable onion production in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The risk assessment as well as lifecycle perspective introduced in the ISO 14001:2015 standard are the most useful concepts and are perceived by organizations as the most relevant added values in the environmental management system [, Sustainable supply chain management was addressed by experts during the study as an important tool that should be included into the requirements of the designed CE system. (2018b). (n.d.-a). The most difficult goals to implement by SMEs were: limiting the use of primary raw materials, striving for the implementation of climate neutrality and sustainable development as well as closing the material loop.

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