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2022 Back To The Future DeLoreaned Racing Car DMC-12 Time Machine 10300 Creative Expert Moc Brick Technical Model Building Block . Get if true, but past releases have nearly always been March or August. Yeah, but i like having seperate dedicated threads about this. Vielen Dank an unseren Leser Manu fr den Hinweis zu den Batterien! The DeLorean in the films was the DMC-12 model because its original purchase price was going to be $12,000. Da der DeLorean in allen drei Zurck in die Zukunft Filmen eine zentrale Rolle spielt, knnte es gut sein, dass LEGO wie einst beim LEGO Ideas DeLorean die Teile beilegt, um alle drei Varianten der Zeitmaschine bauen zu knnen, die sich durch Details wie die Nummernschilde unterscheiden. The Expert range are large scale vehicles with lots of details, not minifig scale. Etsy offsets carbon emissions from shipping and packaging on this purchase. The Lego Back to the Future Time Machine set goes on sale April 1 and will cost $169.99 for 1872 pieces. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. . Die stellte sich dann aber als der LEGO 10290 Pickup Truck heraus, der die Hoffnungen auf die ikonische Zeitmaschine zunchst zunichtemachte. LEGO DeLorean DMC-12 Zeitmaschine (10300) aktuell wieder bestellbar! There are now 299,621 members. The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Feel free to join us! We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. And the best part about this new windscreen is this: BUT why not use the 49.5x20 tires for the rear and 49.5x14 for the front? see program terms. That said, shut up and take my money! Must be 18 years or older to purchase online. And it certainly looks super cool next to the new Lego DeLorean (10300)! The set is a must-have for any Back to the Future fan, young and old alike, and looks like one of the most detailed and comprehensive Lego automobile sets to date. Excellent communication and shipped fast! Will you have to decide which of the three you are going to build, or will it be easy to change? Das Set soll 179,99 Euro kosten, eine Teileanzahl ist noch nicht bekannt, aber wir gehen von ber 1800Teilen aus. Ordered at the weekend, shipped on Monday and arrived in Austria on Wednesday. I like the BTTF 2 and 3 versions. is anyone out there can suggest something to do on our 12 hr layover at Helinski arriving at midnight and leaving in the afternoon of the next day. A gift with LEGO purchases of $100 or more*Shop now, FREE Shipping with orders over $35! The shared timelessness of LEGO bricks and the Back to the Future franchise is something we really wanted to capture for this set, so we hope fans will enjoy racing through time in LEGO style.. The new LEGO Back to the Future Time Machine set is available for the recommended retail price of 149.99 / $169.99 / 169.99 at LEGO stores and on from 1st April 2022. The rumoured date for the Vespa was wrong, its March not February. Der LEGO 10274 ECTO-1 ist leider ein Gegenbeispiel, da dort keine Figuren dabei waren. Annual growth 7.3%. Its a perfect timing to have minifig scale set! You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. The Time Machine uses 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to travel back in time, enough to power over 100 million LED light bulbs, 361 wind turbines or one flux capacitor. When introduced in 1981, they went for double that price. Glad i was able to do a cheeky order yesterday, when it was available for a couple of hours, and for a VIP discount! It looks wonderful, and the many details and inclusion of Minifigs shows that Lego still can do it, if they want. $320.00 . james.pagan23@yahoo.comFollow me on Instagram! There was a problem calculating your shipping. Durch den groen Mastab des LEGO 10300 DeLorean knnte der leuchtende Fluxkompensator entweder aus Steinen gebaut sein oder wie beim LEGO 21103 Ideas DeLorean von 2013 durch ein dekoriertes Teil dargestellt werden. In any case, I'm definitely intrigued by this set and how it will look. But please contact me if you have problems with your order, Germany | English (US) | (EUR). LEGO's old delorean 21103 from 2013 was just too small and did not much look like the iconic Delorean DMC 12 flying car from the 1980s Back to the Future Movies.This car has everything we could expect: Marty McFly, Doc Broen, The Flux Capacitor, The Hoverboard, Mr Fusion (including the Banana and the beer or soda can), the Wild West Steampunk fix, Flip-Up-doors and flipable wheels. Then you have Mr. Fusion and the fold-down hover conversion tires from the second film, while the whitewall tires and hood-mounted circuit board give us the styling of the DMC-12 from the third and final film. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. 6,399 posts . You have the original time machine, equipped with the lighting rod and plutonium chamber from the first film. Im April 2021 schrieben wir bereits ber das Gercht zum DeLorean, damals noch unter der Setnummer 10290. The Brothers Brick relies on a variety of online advertising partners and technology platforms to fund operation of the world's most popular LEGO hobbyist website. Covering anything from JDM cars to classic jets. This seller usually responds within a few hours. Alle weiteren Infos zum neuen LEGO Zurck in die Zukunft DeLorean findet ihr im Originalbeitrag. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. We take intellectual property concerns very seriously, but many of these problems can be resolved directly by the parties involved. IN STOCK DIY LED Light Set For LEGO 10300 Compatible With DeLorean DMC 12 Back to the Future Time Machine Building Blocks Bricks . That said, you'll be flying in on a Sunday which is one of the most "serene" days of the city. This 1,872-piece set features the famous customized DeLorean in Creator Expert scale at 14 inches long (35cm) with a full interior, a light-up flux capacitor, opening hood and doors, as well as transforming functions such as the wheels tucking in to fly. April - kein Scherz - wird der neue LEGO 10300 DeLorean DMC-12 als Teil der 18+ Reihe speziell fr erwachsene Fans in den Verkauf starten. Interpretiere ich da zu viel rein oder knnt ihr euch das Teil am LEGO DeLorean vorstellen? Hugely recommend his products. And to have another vehicle released so soon after, just one month. BUILDING INSTRUCTIONSmotorized LEGO 10300 BTTF Time Machine: LEGO 76239 1989 Batmobile (2019) https://rebri. Looks like you already have an account! Get in touch! More wall mounts in the shop, take a look! no Lego and no Benchy's included, but perfect wall mounts! LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO group of companies that does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this product. Wallmount to display the Lego (10300) DeLorean DMC-12 The perfect eye-catcher2Designs choosable! Switch in Place Flip the Wheels without removimg from the mount! 3D Printed in high Quality out of PLA Quality and perfect fit Every part is checked PLA consists of cornstarch and lactic acid -> no refined plastic! Any questions? Studded Garage 1.31K subscribers Subscribe 0 Share No views 1 minute ago This is how I built the LEGO DMC-12 DeLorean. Inspired by the DeLorean car seen in the time traveling adventure film franchise from Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment, the LEGO Back to the Future Time Machine set allows builders to create the car from either the first, second or third movie. It should also be fairly easy to convert to a standard DeLorean. Mit Absenden des Kommentars akzeptiere ich die. By philippbricks . A lack of steering was to be expected, I guess it would be nearly impossible to include steering AND the folding of the wheels. Free shipping. Track acceptance of The Brothers Brick's Privacy Policy in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective on May 25, 2018. Bitte erklre dich mit dem Datenschutz einverstanden. LEGO System A/S, DK-7190 Billund, Denmark. I would love to see LEGO release an 18+ display set for BTTF alongside this, but we'll see what they do. MOC-106392 345 parts System > Vehicle. I . This is an alternate build of the LEGO 10300 Back To The Future Time Machine.Needed pieces:4558170 x26183784 x24211483 x26151349 x2306826 x1307026 x26308012 x137762 x1242026 x2346026 x5 366626 x24211001 x3371026 x13379526 x24107761 x26350724 x16016172 x34211356 x13303426 x16284070 x6241226 x2302326 x64548180 x86066097 x24211052 x104211503 x26335317 x2243126 x124560182 x7306926 x26047276 x84211066 x34211414 x44211415 x44124096 x3PDF - #car #customThanks for watching! Given the fine detail of the doors/roof, it's pretty stable -DeLorean Time Machine Brick Vault. LEGO 10300 DeLorean DMC-12 bestaat uit 1872 stenen en meet 12 cm hoog, 19 cm breed en 35 cm diep. Extra 1% off with coins. Sorry, we could not translate this listing to English. Yes! Whrend der LEGO DeLorean auf jeden Fall kommt ist noch reinste Spekulation ob vielleicht schon das erste Teil aus dem Set aufgetaucht ist, welches extra fr das Zurck in die Zukunft Fahrzeug entwickelt wurde. The new large-scale DeLorean joins a series of existing Back to the Future LEGO sets including a minifigure-scale time machine, a pair of Brickheadz, and a couple of Dimensions packs. Proving that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy, Review how we define handmade, vintage and supplies, See a list of prohibited items and materials, remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. I sure hope DeLorean would be minifigure scalebut oh well. Sawyer Howd on BrickVault has an excellent 8-wide DeLorean that I built last year. Write me a massage! More mounts in my Shop! No Lego and no Benchy's included, but perfect wall mounts! LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this product. It's a word of .The design, assembly process, gimmicks, as well as the internal time circuit and other gauges are printed parts!The Delorean was recently released as a Lego product, but it will be a large model with about 1000 parts, so you can enjoy even . The Brothers Brick respects your online privacy and security. Dazu gibt es das Piratenschatz-Polybag und natrlich die blichen 5% des []. It also includes two minifigures of Doc Brown and Marty McFly, along with a variety of accessories that can be stowed in the car. I will explain, what is good and where Lego failed.And Finally i will talk about how I will motorize it.We have waited so long on this Time Machine. - to my 2nd channel! Nehmt 3 verschiedene gegenstnde her die jeweils der Hhe entsprechen ;). The light brick for the flux will be a nice added bonus. August, 22:35 Uhr): Gerade ist der LEGO DeLorean (10300) endlich nach recht langer Abstinenz wieder seit einiger Zeit im LEGO Onlineshop bestellbar. Mrz 12:52 Uhr): Im April erscheint der neue LEGO DeLorean DMC-12, die Zeitmaschine aus Zurck in die Zukunft, und jetzt wissen wir, dass im Fahrzeug auch ein LEGO Lichtstein verbaut wird. I think it will be a DeLorean DMC-12 with BTTF branding, bigger and more expensive than the last one they did. Thank you a lot for the 5* Review =) It means a lot to me! I can imagine dozens of car models that could benefit from that windscreen. Shop confidently on Etsy knowing if something goes wrong with an order, we've got your back for all eligible purchases I had so much fun reliving my favourite moments from all three films on this exciting and nostalgic design adventure. Meine Daten bis zum nchsten mal im Browser zwischenspeichern, LEGO DeLorean Zeitmaschine aus Zurck in die Zukunft (10300). DeLorean DMC-12 Display Front. This has been an incredibly exciting project to collaborate with the LEGO Group on from Easter eggs that nod to each of the three Back to the Future films, to iconic elements from the DeLorean Time Machine like Mr. Fusion, to making Doc Brown and Marty McFly into mini figures the fans are going to love going back in time with this LEGO set, said Joe Lawandus, senior vice president and general manager, global toys and hardlines for Universal Brand Development. What height do you need? You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. LEGO News, Reviews, and Discussions. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for A-Finger Oy of HELSINKI, Uusimaa. The New Lego Set In Detail. Helsinki, Finland. No, it is a brand new windscreen: 14 studs at the bottom, 10 studs at the top, 6 studs (=5 bricks) high. zonoskar Eurobricks Vassals 10 posts Country: Netherlands Posted August 11, 2022 One of my favourite movies and have been looking forward to this for a long time. Might have to get 2. LEGO System A/S, DK-7190 Billund, Denmark. The recommended age for this set is 18+. 18+ LEGO Creator Expert 3in1 10300 DeLorean Back to the Future Time Machine contains 1872 pieces and is priced at $169.99 USD / $219.99 CAD / 149.99 GBP / $269.99 AUD. Lego has gone all out on this set to create the ultimate DMC-12 in miniature, and the cost of the set will be $169.99. Theyre clever and well designed. Its just going to be a waiting game at this point. Report inappropriate content . The DMC-12 very much has the styling of the real car, and the fact the gullwing doors function as they do in real life is a great bonus for fans of the car in general. De hoofdrolspelers uit de films zijn gekleed in hun outfits uit de . Produktqualitt: Top, hoffe das es im Sommer im heien Auto auch hlt. In 2021, the "Back to the Future" Time Machine was added to the National Historic Vehicle Register of the Library of Congress. for Helsinki, Oulu, Lapland. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass der neue LEGO 10300 DeLorean DMC-12 vor allem in Hellgrau gebaut ist und hchstens ein paar Akzente in Metallic Silver hat. I almost don't believe that they've included minifigures after what they said with the Ecto-1, despite seeing them on the LEGO website. It seems that the scale is similar to some of the Creator vehicles (Ford Mustang, Porsche), and not to minifig scale (those seems for the plate display only). A minifig scale would be better suited for the Creator 3in1 line. Wie wichtig wren fr euch neue Zurck in die Zukunft Minifiguren und auf welche Spiel- und Modifikationsmglichkeiten hofft ihr? Wall mount for: Lego (10300) DeLorean DMC-12 / 2 Designs available! View Etsys Privacy Policy. By Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Posted by 22 days ago. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), LEGO reveals 10300 Back to the Future Time Machine DeLorean in Creator Expert scale [News], gdpr[allowed_cookies],gdpr[consent_types],gdprprivacy_bar, wordpress_test_cookie,tk_ai,wp-settings-time,wp-settings,wordpress_logged_in,wordpress_sec,_ga,_gid, BLNEWSESSIONID,_ga,_gid,blckMID,blckSessionStarted,cartBuyerID,ASPSESSIONID, __gads,aam_uuid,cid,csegs,cssg,dp1,ebay,nonsession,npii,s, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE,GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY,YSC, LEGO 76989 Horizon Forbidden West: Tallneck, LEGO Marvel Thor: Love & Thunder Goat Boat, LEGO Star Wars 75325 The Mandalorians N-1 Starfighter. HYPE Lets discuss!!! Schreibt uns eure Meinung gerne in die Kommentare! BUILDING INSTRUCTIONSmotorized LEGO 10300 BTTF Time Machine: LEGO 76239 1989 Batmobile (2019) LEGO 10274 Ghostbusters Ecto-1 (2020) 76240 Batman Tumbler (2021) 76023 Batman Tumbler (2014) Links:Game of Bricks light and sound kits: Bluetooth controllers: Chapters:00:00 IntroCOMPARISON01:19 2021 Batman Tumbler - upgrade/review03:23 2021 Batman Tumbler - LED light kit04:25 2019 Batmobile 1989 - upgrade/review05:25 2019 Batmobile 1989 - Sbrick/Batteries06:29 2020 Ghostbusters ECTO-1 - review/motorization/LED light kitDeLorean REVIEW07:57 DELOREAN - comparison to ECTO-108:53 DELOREAN - Back to the Future I - Version14:49 DELOREAN - Back to the Future II - Version17:32 DELOREAN - Back to the Future III - Version22:07 DELOREAN - How to Motorize itThis is my first review on the 2022 LEGO 10300 Back to the Future Time Machine - the \"Delorian\".I will compare the it to my other motoriced and remote controlled mod Moc of the 76138 LEGO Batmobile, the 76240 LEGO Batman Tumbler and the 10274 Ghostbusters Ecto-1.I will talk about the features like the flip up doors, the flux comapnsator and the Mini Figures of Marty MacFly and Doc Brown. Faithfully recreated details from the film trilogy include wheels that fold down for flight mode, the iconic light-up flux capacitor, printed dashboard dates, opening gull-wing doors and hood and many more Easter eggs including Martys hoverboard and swappable license plates. Bereits am 1. Level Contributor . This is how I built the LEGO DMC-12 DeLorean. on tll hetkell 15737 ilmoitusta alueella Koko Suomi. If you order today, this is the arrival date and is based on the seller's processing time and location, carrier transit time, and your shipping address. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. The Brothers Brick, circle logo, and wordmark are trademarks of The Brothers Brick, LLC. And as Lego themselves say, you dont need to hit 88 mph to enjoy this wonderful new set. 9,390 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 22,691 in the last 7 days, 38,919 in the last month. Update (17. Today LEGO is introducing the latest pop culture icon to get a brick makeover with 10300 Back to the Future Time Machine. Even the epic Mr. Fusion is a detail included in the set, and there is more as well. All rights reserved. Billund, 17 March, 2022: Inspiring fans to fire up their brick building engines, the LEGO Group and Universal Brand Development have revealed a brand new three-in-one reproduction of one of the most iconic movie vehicles of all time the LEGO Back to the Future Time Machine. The new Lego set is expected to go on sale on April 1, 2022, and will be for ages 18+ with 1,872 pieces in total. A very useful part. Gerne wieder, Top!, This looks awesome! Between us we own 38,428,954 sets worth at least US$1,329,618,048 and containing 13,479,329,660 pieces. The new set will retail for US $169.99 | CAN $219.99 | UK 149.99 when its available starting April 1. Measure website performance and ensure correct website behaviors for visitors, including retention of user settings and preferences. Etsy shops never receive your credit card information. Ein ums andere Mal wurde es deshalb auch in Form []. You don't write where you're coming from, but Helsinki airport being the compact and efficient airport it is, you can usually get landside within 15 minutes from hitting the tarmac. A great addition! Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Product quality: Top, I hope it will last in the hot car in the summer. Well, Jurassic World theme is going to have T-rex Breaout (18+) set and it has two Ford Exploerers.
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