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This is your opportunity to further reiterate your desire to attend the Georgia State University College of Law. Is an order of protection pending against you or has an order of protection ever been issued against you? More info here: 6. Have you ever been, in the last five years, investigated, arrested, cited for, charged with, or convicted for any traffic violation? Addenda: Please submit an explanatory addendum for each academic and criminal disclosure that includes specific dates, causes, circumstances, and outcomes for each disclosure. All information presented in your Character & Fitness Addendum will be considered. This section is optional. Please furnish complete facts, including the name and nature of the offense, the date of the offense, the name and locality of the court, and the disposition of each event using an electronic attachment.YesNo The last LSAT we will accept for the 2023 application cycle is the June 2023 exam. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Non-Academic Sanction: Have you ever been censured for misconduct, placed on disciplinary probation, or dismissed for non-academic reasons, or are disciplinary charges now pending or expected to be brought against you at any post-secondary school, college, university, professional school, or place of employment? If any question below is left unanswered, your application may be denied at the sole discretion of the law school. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. A rsum with specifics, such as number of hours worked or volunteered; leadership roles, or unique experiences is especially helpful. This commitment can be demonstrated through prior public service work experience (not necessarily legal in nature), engagement in public service during your undergraduate education, and post-graduate service and volunteer work. Please be as specific as possible. Bachelor programs | Frankfurt UAS - Frankfurt University of Applied Have you been arrested, charged, or convicted of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs? Based on your particular skills and talents, what would you teach? Inconsistencies between your application to the bar and your application for admission to law school may prevent you from being admitted to the bar. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Before a law school can make an admission decision, it must receive your. For ease of reading, please use double-spacing and at least an 11-point font. Because we do not grant personal interviews, this is your opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee more about yourself. Applicants should write a statement that adds further dimension to the LSAT (or GRE) / GPA predictors. Include experiences after high school. Are there any criminal proceedings pending or expected to be brought against you?YesNo Include all disciplinary actions, charges, convictions, and traffic violations. Have you ever been a party in a class action suit or lawsuit, motor vehicle accident or found to be at fault in any civil action? This section is optional. (maximum characters 4000)number of characters left is displayed after the field If applicable, you may choose to submit an optional additional statement to elaborate on how you could contribute to the Harvard Law School community. Your statement may not exceed one (1) double-spaced page with a minimum 11-point font size and 1-inch margins. 7. 7. Are there currently or have there been any disciplinary charges against you? Acceptance into Northeastern Law's JD program does not guarantee you will be permitted to sit for a state's bar examination or be admitted to practice in your preferred jurisdiction. There is no page limit for the resume but 1-2 pages is typical. Personal statements should be approximately two (2) pages, double spaced, and standard font size. NOTE: Full disclosure is required for any charges against you, including those that have been dismissed, and those for which you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld or deferred, a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated, any records were sealed or expunged, you received court supervision, or you pled guilty or nolo contendere to the charge, and regardless of whether you have been previously told that you do not need to disclose any such instance. If you wish, please attach a resume to your application. If you answered "yes", please provide a thorough explanation in the text box below. L50: 159 | G50: 3.56 | Deadline: March 15, 2023. If you have previously applied to UCLA School of Law, indicate the most recent month and year: If you have previously been admitted to UCLA School of Law, indicate the most recent month and year: If you have previously registered at UCLA School of Law, indicate the most recent month and year: This section is optional. The University of Kansas School of Law seeks to build a diverse student body reflective of our community and our nation. 3. This section is optional. 3. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action taken by any college or university? 5. To better assess such qualities, UF Law requires each applicant to submit a Personal Statement. If the answers to any the following questions are yes, you must provide records from the agency, court, or military office documenting the charge and the disposition of that event, including any sanctions imposed. Although academic history and the LSAT score are very important in the application review process, the personal statement is a vital factor as well. 5. (IF YES, PROVIDE NAME OF INSTITUTION, THE EXACT DATES OF EACH SITUATION AND EXPLAIN CIRCUMSTANCES IN AN ELECTRONIC ATTACHMENT. This section is optional. Applicants must provide a current rsum. Have you ever been issued academic or disciplinary warnings, placed on academic or disciplinary probation, suspended, dropped, expelled, or been required to withdraw from any post-secondary education you have attended, or are any such proceedings now pending against you? Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the Law School or other appropriate action. Please submit a two-page, double-spaced, typed Personal Statement. Belmont Law encourages each applicant to determine what those requirements are in the state(s) in which the applicant intends to practice. Failure to comply will result in an incomplete application. Have you ever been dropped, suspended, warned, placed on academic or disciplinary probation, disciplined, expelled, or requested or advised to resign from any postsecondary school, college, university, professional school, or law school? Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners Please include a separate statement with your application which does not exceed two typewritten pages. The following questions are representative of areas of inquiry made by bar authorities in most states and must be answered with a "yes" or "no." As you consider schools, make sure you identify which schools require this test. Please include your name and LSAC account number at the top of the page. YesNo L50: 163 | G50: 3.75 | Deadline: June 1, 2023 | ED: December 15, 2022. 6. If yes, describe the incident(s) below. The required addendum should describe what school you attended, the dates you attended, what program you were enrolled in, and any explanation as to your academic performance. List and provide a detailed explanation of each instance, including its ultimate disposition. Please describe the occupation(s) and the educational background(s) of the person(s) who raised you. There is no word or page limit. You must disclose all traffic violations UNLESS the traffic violation (1) did not result in a jail sentence, (2) did not result in suspension or revocation of your drivers license, AND (3) did not result in a fine of $200 or more, including court costs and fees. Although there is no specific topic or question for the personal statement, your narrative should at some point address your decision to pursue a legal education. 5. What, if anything, might you do differently? You are encouraged to include a rsum of any length. All items must be submitted before consideration of your application. Have you ever been convicted of an offense involving physical harm to another person or animal (whether a felony or not)? Your disclosure on this application must match what you disclose on your bar application. You must disclose this requested information even if the charges were juvenile convictions, the conviction was stayed or vacated, the record was sealed or expunged, or you were told you need not disclose this information. Applicants should not rely on statements from third parties in deciding whether to disclose an offense. 5. Please furnish complete facts, including the names and nature of the restraining order using an electronic attachment.YesNo We do not require a specific format for the rsum. If the license is not in good standing, explain the reason. This prompt is open-ended, but consider explaining why youre going to law school and why youre interested in FSU in particular by the end of the essay. These essays are optional but we recommend you answer them if they are applicable. 2. Traffic violations involving alcohol or drugs are not minor. If your answer to Question 13.1 is yes, please indicate who assisted you (e.g., prelaw advisor, family member) and the nature of the assistance (e.g., proofreading, generating essay ideas). Are there any pending criminal charges against you now? You shouldnt feel pressure to write it, though. Each addendum should be no more than one-page, 12-point font, double spaced. 2. We strongly encourage you to respond to respond to at least one of these prompts, especially if you chose a non-traditional personal essay topic. A rsum is not required during application submission and may be sent as an email attachment directly to the Washington University School of Law Admissions Office at This includes if you ever have been expelled, suspended, or dismissed from any college or university, or subject to disciplinary action for academic or other reasons at any of the colleges, universities, or professional schools you have attended, or by any licensing body or professional society; or if there are any disciplinary charges (academic or other) pending or expected to be brought against you by any college, university, or professional school, licensing body, or professional society. This prompt suggests that you write about traditional diversity factors (race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc.). The rsum may be of any length and should provide chronological information about your academic background, work experiences, extracurricular or charitable activities, and accomplishments. YesNo Despite whether the record has been expunged, other than listed above, have you ever been issued a citation, notice to appear or summons, charged, arrested, taken into custody, or indicted for any felony, misdemeanor, or infraction of the law excluding minor traffic infractions?YesNo Please place your name and LSAC account number at the top of the essay. The Admissions Committee makes every effort to understand your achievements in the context of your background and to build a diverse student body. (a) It is helpful for us to understand what you did during those terms when you were not in school during your undergraduate education (including summers and any other term(s) when you were not in school). (If yes, please attach an explanation of the circumstances, including relevant details. Question 9.3 L50: 158 | G50: 3.71 | Deadline: May 1, 2023 | ED: December 1, 2022. This statement may include personal or professional goals, academic, career and life experiences and/or any other insight into your character of which the committee should be aware. Once you begin your 1L year, you are under a continuing obligation to notify the Associate Dean of Academics of any changes in your answers to these questions. Has your academic career (undergraduate and/or graduate) been interrupted for one or more terms?YesNo Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. The Personal Statement must be a product of your own work. 7. If it has been more than 10 years since you turned 18, you need only list those convictions that occurred in the past 10 years. If yes, submit an addendum titled Social Conduct to explain the situation, including the background and circumstances as well as the outcome and resolution. The combined length of any optional additional statements (e.g., a diversity statement) should not exceed four pages, double-spaced. NYU Law strives to ensure that students in its incoming class bring with them a diversity of experience. If the answer to any of the questions below is "yes", please provide a complete explanation in the attachment section. Among the qualities it takes to succeed in both is resilience. Do you expect to be, or have you been notified or told that you will be charged, cited, accused or prosecuted for any crime by a law enforcement agency or do you have reason to believe or have you been notified that you are or will be the subject of any investigation by any law enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, professional organization, corporation, board, or any other agency? (If yes, explain on a separate sheet or electronic attachment.). For any question to which you answer "yes," please provide a full factual description of the incident, including the date and the city/county and state in which the incident took place. Optional: In the space below, feel free to share any "fun facts" about yourself (hobbies, interests, special talents, and accomplishments, etc.) Any and all criminal convictions or guilty pleas must be fully disclosed.) When answering these questions, please keep in mind that any discrepancy between your responses on your application for law school admission and your application for admission to the bar may be an impediment to your admission to the bar in many states. All other applicants may skip this section. 2. You do not need to include any high school activities or sports unless they are particularly relevant to your current goals. Please identify: The applicant may also wish to highlight honors, awards, or special skills. Please describe any diverse perspectives, experiences, and background you bring to the classroom and community. Have you been suspended, disqualified or disciplined as a member of any profession?YesNo We strongly encourage you to respond to one of these essays; responding to two won't necessarily put you in a better position than responding to one. Have you ever been suspended from practice, reprimanded, censured, removed, or disciplined by any professional organization or state agency charged with reviewing professional conduct? If a new event(s) or change in circumstance(s) should arise after you submit this application, you are REQUIRED to submit a signed and dated explanation detailing the new event/circumstance. In any state, the act of voluntary, open disclosure is central to the determination of character and fitness to practice law. LSAT, GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS preparation, if assistance is limited solely to test preparation. For more information, please visit: Have you ever been placed on academic warning or probation, charged with or sanctioned for conduct or honor code violations, suspended, dismissed or otherwise formally disciplined by any undergraduate or post-undergraduate academic institution? Criminal disclosures may include a register of action and court order. 4. What defines you? Prompt 1: In short, we are interested in what drives you, and how that drive will define you as a law student and as a future member of the legal profession. Do not report parking violations. Recipients of this fellowship will receive a scholarship along with the opportunity to work closely with the deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture. Please note that there are character, fitness and other qualifications for admission to the Bar; and the School of Law encourages each applicant to determine what those requirements are in the state(s) in which the applicant intends to practice. Provide a full explanation that specifies the surrounding circumstances, applicable dates, and repercussions of every disciplinary action taken against you. The resume should be no more than one (1) page with conventional formatting and font size. Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked, or been subject to disciplinary action by a professional organization, association, or licensing board. Your explanation must include the nature of the offense, the facts surrounding the offense, all relevant dates, disposition, and sanctions. If you have ever been involuntarily dismissed or terminated from employment for cause, you must provide a statement explaining the circumstances. Have you ever been a complainant, party or witness to or otherwise involved in any civil or criminal action, proceeding or investigation?YesNo Many jurisdictions, including New Mexico, require a copy of your law school application be submitted as part of your bar application. We strongly urge, if you are unsure as to whether to make a disclosure, that you err on the side of disclosure. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. It is important that rsums highlight academic honors, leadership positions, and volunteer or community work completed, along with any professional licenses an applicant has obtained, whether currently active or not. We use the application to get to know you better and welcome statements detailing, among other things, diversity factors (including but not limited to racial or ethnic group identification; cultural, linguistic or economic group; sexual orientation; gender identification or expression; age; military service; or other factors), unique life experiences, geographic diversity, disability, obstacles the applicants may have overcome and/or discrimination that they may have experienced. Even if the nature of the explanation is related to circumstances provided in other attachments, write your response as if this were a stand-alone document. If yes, provide the name of the school and reason for leaving in a separate statement.YesNo. An affirmative answer to these questions does not necessarily preclude, or even prejudice, admission to King Hall. This section is optional. Your explanation must include the date of each occurrence, circumstances that gave rise to each occurrence, and the outcome of each occurrence. 4. This section is optional. Please include all relevant dates, such as when an incident occurred and when it was resolved. Include in the explanation(s) the date and year, location, a detailed description of the circumstances of the incident, and a detailed description of the disposition or outcome, including, without limitation, any fines and/or sanctions, nolo contendere pleas, dismissals, expungements, sealed records, etc. You may also include your rsum as part of this attachment. The statement should include dates, exact name and location of courts (if any), and final disposition of all matters. We ask that you limit the size 2 pages, double-spaced typed. You may choose to submit a separate statement describing any special circumstances in your background that would aid the Admission Committee in its evaluation of your application. Be aware that the quality of your writing and the thoughtfulness of your answers will be evaluated. Please attach a personal statement of between 500 and 1000 words to support the application for admission. 1. Application materials and all supporting documents submitted in connection with an application for admitted students who enroll at NYU School of Law become part of the student's law school records and are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Your file will remain incomplete until we receive the required documentation.YesNo Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or is any such charge now pending against you? Please note that if you have been academically dismissed from a previous Law School, your statment should explain why your prior disqualification does not indicate a lack of capacity to complete our JD program and earn admission to the bar. Do not simply reference/refer to information you may provide in other attachments to your application, such as your personal statement. You must disclose both the original charge or citation and the ultimate disposition, including any reduced charges or lesser included offenses. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO DISCLOSE ANY EXPUNGED OR SEALED RECORDS. We recommend you answer Optional Essay 1 "Why Marquette?". [ABA Standard 504 (a)]. 5. 1. Have you ever been subject to any sanction, probation, or disciplinary actions for any reason in any of the secondary schools, colleges, or universities you have attended (include records that have been sealed or destroyed under a school's file management policy, include actions related to university or college residential living)? The Admissions Committee pays close attention to these Statements and considers them when awarding Opportunity Scholarships. 8. Have you ever been sued for a non-criminal act that was alleged to have been intentional?YesNo Some examples may include, but are not limited to, any unique skills and experiences including language fluency, professional accomplishments, talents, hardships overcome, educational or socioeconomic disadvantages, descriptions of any disabilities, or any other aspects that have not already been addressed in your application. 1. Please attach a professional peer reviewed rsum. Admissions and Aid. (La declaracin personal o ensayo de presentacin debe tener en un mximo de 2 pginas (papel 8 1/2 x 11), espacio sencillo y letra 12). You have a duty to report and furnish information responsive to the character and fitness section of this application for admission regarding the four questions below. Please submit a copy of your current rsum. Have you EVER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE been arrested, charged, convicted, warned, taken into custody, or accused, formally or informally, of the violation of a law for any offense, including, without limitation all traffic offenses {e.g. They may also consult the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. If you have difficulty accessing the application electronically, please call the Office of Admissions at (914) 422-4210 or email us at Please feel free to choose ONE of the following 5 optional responses. This section is optional. To become a member of the practicing bar, you will have to pass a state bar examination. However, we ask that you use your best judgment to determine whether or not your optional statement should exceed the one-page expectation. Our experienced professionals in the Career Development Office will assist you with developing a legal resume during your time at Idaho Law. Indicates a required field. In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. 2. Have you ever been subject to verbal or written discipline (informal or formal, and of any type, such as but not limited to warning, reprimand, suspension, dismissal, and/or detrimental impact to any benefit/privilege) for scholastic or other reasons in any of the colleges, universities, graduate or professional schools you have attended (including organizations you have participated in at these institutions), or by any employer? Advanced degrees or other advanced studies. These include: interesting or demanding work or service experience; leadership potential; rigorousness of undergraduate course of study; graduate study; economic need requiring significant employment during college; social or cultural disadvantages; and extraordinary family or personal responsibilities. In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. In addition to academic promise, we assess many qualities, characteristics and experiences in the admissions decision. Applicants are required to submit a current and complete resume or curriculum vitae (CV), which should include specific factual information about education, honors and awards, extracurricular or community activities, publications, work history, military service and/or foreign language proficiencies. If you are seeking consideration for admission via the LEO program, you must attach this supplemental essay that explains the hardships you have overcome. This prompt does not interpret diversity either broadly or narrowly; feel free to write about untraditional diversity factors.

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