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Angelo Vertti, 18 de setembro de 2022

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Researchers found that these five bacteria showed synergistic pyrene degradation due to the following aspects: (1) The Bacillus strain enhanced the bioavailability of the pyrene by producing biosurfactant, (2) two Mycobacterium strains contributed to the initiation of pyrene degradation, and (3) Novosphingobium and Ochrobactrum efficiently degraded the intermediates of pyrene. Although oil pollution is difficult to treat, petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria have evolved as a result of existing in close proximity to naturally occurring petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment. Presence of some species led to greater TPH disappearance than with other species or in unvegetated soil. In diesel exposure experiments, researchers found that the primary effects of diesel fuel toxicity were reductions in species richness, evenness and phylogenetic diversity, with the resulting community being heavily dominated by a few species, principally Pseudomonas. 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The potential use of phytoremediation at a site contaminated with hydrocarbons was investigated. B. Lal and S. Khanna, Degradation of crude oil by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Alcaligenes odorans, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, vol. Biodegrad. Cell. (PDF) Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and The Factors

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